Monday, October 10, 2011

nobel video prize for best film

the best video probably ever made.

you look like an angel
oh, what the fuck.

oh baby, dance to me.
you're so pretty.
what the fuck.

i want to look at you.

marry me.

be my wife

be my life

what the fuck.

oh baby, you look so guuudd.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Censor This!

YouTube wasn't ready for Vaudevillains, so we uploaded it to Vimeo. Here is our JTTOU classic with the sound, which makes it one thousand million billion times better.

Vaudevillains from Lindsay Harker on Vimeo.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

a humument

in 1970 tom phillips published a humument, an altered version of the victorian romance novel, a human document. each page is so intricate and beautiful. the colours, elements of collage, and way he appropriated someone else's work and made it his own also reminds me a lot of henry darger.
i think i'm going to try to make an altered book out of an archie comic; i'll report back once i've come up with a clever name.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

true love

thank you billy terry for taking this picture

thank you madeline harker for being my baby

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


can we do this again please? can we make pep rally art? fan art? can we be video geniuses? let's do this thing, just the true of us.